Selling the Dream Through Social Media




Here is a Powerful and Ultimately The Best Business Tip You Can Hear


When selling the dream through Social Media, let’s imagine for a moment that you have a fitness company that’s all about the passion and drive of training, and about the feeling you get from being at the very top of your game.

Moving away from the “sales” approach to Social Media, we now know that writing posts saying: “Our training t-shirts are 50% off this summer!” or “Our training shirts are made with the best materials!”, are everywhere, and most consumers are tired of being “sold to”. Especially when we include platitudes and the same jargon everyone hears every single day, we should strive to be different, and cater to the problems, fears, challenges, frustrations, concerns, uncertainties, and issues of our target or ideal customers.



We are not trying to sell  … We are trying to inspire and trying to get people to want to see more of what we do …


And the best way to do this is by selling your “value proposition” and by selling the dream. So in this case, that might mean having an Instagram account and filling it with photos of people curling weights in the pouring rain, people wearing cool wraps around their fists, people hitting punch bags, people running in the gym looking healthy and confident, or people looking exhausted after a particularly tiring workout.

This is how you sell the dream and the idea and if the images are cool, people will want to buy your products so that they can make that vision their reality. By “Selling the Dream Through Social Media”, and inspiring people with your mission statement and your image, you will create fans and people who want the same things your company is offering.


This is a far more effective way to build revenue in the long term than just trying to sell, sell, sell!