Struggling to Grow? It’s Time for a Smarter, More Strategic Way



Why Settle for Sales Tactics When You
Can Unlock Advanced Strategies?


STOP Struggling with Quick Fixes! -Your Business Deserves “the goods” …
Tired of pouring time and money into tactics that never truly solve your
biggest challenges? Discover the strategies that drive real, long-term growth.


STOP Relying on Tactics That Don’t Work? Get a Strategy That Delivers …
If the same sales tricks aren’t moving the needle, maybe it’s time to
rethink your entire approach to growing your business …


STOP Spinning Your Wheels with Short-Term Hacks — You Need Strategy …
Are you stuck chasing the next sales hack while your business stagnates?
It’s time to ditch the Band-Aids and embrace sustainable growth …


Your Business Deserves More Than Being “Pitch-Slapped” — Ya know? …
If you’re tired of wasting money on quick fixes, it’s time to unlock the
strategies that will help your business break through …


Why Are You Still Relying on Sales Tactics That Barely Move the Needle?
Unlock Real Growth with Strategic Coaching
Sales tactics promise results
but often leave you stuck. Don’t settle — invest in real impactful strategies …


Are Sales Tricks Failing You? It’s Time for a Smarter, More Strategic Way …
If you’re frustrated with tactics that don’t deliver, now is the time to break
free and discover a better path for your business …



With countless Salespeople pushing the same tactics and solutions just to meet their quotas and stay afloat, have you ever stopped to wonder if there’s a better way? A smarter, more strategic approach that cuts through the noise and delivers real, lasting growth? The truth is, while everyone’s selling what’s commonly known, there are better strategies, better guidance, and better advice waiting for those ready to break away from the pack. It’s time to stop following the same playbook from those in “sales” and your typical Agency approach, and discover the smarter path to business success …


The Business Coach Advantage: Innovation Over Imitation

The role of a Business Coach is not to sell you a product, meet quotas, or push what everyone else is offering. A true Business Coach provides you with high-level, strategic insights that Salespeople simply aren’t equipped to deliver. Or, that’s not what they are paid to do. The information and education you receive from a Business Coach aren’t just about short term or incremental gains — they can transform your business and your life. It’s about innovation, long-term growth, sustainability, and truly moving the needle in ways you’ve never imagined …

Most Salespeople are working from the same playbook. Their goal is to get you to buy into a system that keeps their jobs secure, often focusing on short-term wins. A Specialist is busy showcasing his or her talent in one specific area. A Business Coach, on the other hand, takes the time to understand the unique aspects of your business and market, developing a strategy that aligns with your long-term goals. They offer something far beyond the next big sales pitch: they help you build the foundation for sustainable success. Their training and education is not only about a product, or tactic. it is very all-encompassing in the world of business …


More Than Just Business — It’s Life-Altering

Business decisions aren’t made in a vacuum. The right guidance doesn’t just affect your bottom line; it impacts your personal life, your family, and anyone connected to your business. Imagine what it would feel like to have more clarity, more confidence, and more control over the direction of your business. That’s the power of working with a Business Coach — they equip you with the tools and insights to make decisions that ripple out positively into every part of your life …

So, why settle for sales tactics designed to serve someone else’s goals when you could be using advanced strategies that serve yours? Don’t you owe it to yourself — and everyone depending on you — to explore these life-changing possibilities?


The Choice is Yours: Sales Tactics or Strategic Coaching

Salespeople will always be there, offering you the next big thing. But a Business Coach offers you something far more valuable: a partnership focused on your success, and the world-class tested and proven strategies that help you get there. If you’re serious about innovation and lasting growth, it’s time to make the shift from relying on sales tactics to unlocking strategic, high-level Coaching.




IMJustice Marketing and Dave Smith Business Coach and Strategist


PS: My Tactical Marketing Disclaimer …
My words here do not mean that those who “sell” the common Marketing or Advertising tactics are bad. They have their place. BUT, in proper sequence or order.

STRATEGY always comes first. And once that is perfected, or completed, THEN, and ONLY then, are you ready to use the tactics that are the best choice for your particular business … Far too many do this backwards, or don’t focus on Strategic Marketing collateral at all … A very costly career mistake!

A question … Don’t you believe you would be MUCH better off, if you actually explained to that Agency Salesperson, or that Specialist, exactly what you want them to do for you? Instead of the other way around, which can leave you vulnerable in more ways than one?