Strategic  Services

These offers are your “recipe for business success”

Are you anxious to get some Marketing “tactics” done?

OR anxious to grow your business THE RIGHT WAY?



or email me, fill in the comment box at the bottom of any page, or call me


Please Read …

When it comes to “Tactics” (or methods) to implement your “Strategies”, MOST
Business Owners have no idea what’s being done to them … Marketing Salespeople,
Advertising Salespeople, and those who only represent ONE (or a few) Marketing
or methods, are just pushing what is on their menu as your answers or solutions …
But there is SO MUCH MORE! There really is … And that would be “strategy”!

… And it’s not your fault! …


Business Coaches are paid for their “advice” and “guidance”,
NOT for what  they are trying to “sell” to you …

My question is, if you are visiting a Surgeon, don’t you think there will be
a complete
and full diagnosis before implementing surgery? … It would be
malpractice if there wasn’t … The same thing applies to any business, when it
comes to growth, Marketing, or Advertising, and building your dream business.

Now that you know this, it’s up to you …




If You Just Want To Get Your Feet Wet:

Free Subscription

61 emails, one per week, and all strategy and tactics
No gimmicks, no tricks, no BS … Just valuable content …

Check it out HERE



Business Coaching

I teach the strategies to get them to:

Contact you, buy from you, buy more often and stay loyal ,
pay more for your services, and maximize the % of what you keep 

You’ll never look at Marketing or Advertising the same way ever again

Success doesn’t come easy. It requires time and attention to achieve maximum results.
Remember, the greatest information in the world is useless, if none of it is implemented

Come visit my Landing Page for more … CLICK HERE



And here is a real transparency treat for you …

Check out these real scenarios by the numbers …
Take your time, and envision your own business doing them …

CLICK HERE to check it out




The Strategy Session

or 1, 2, 3 or even more hours (whatever it takes), I will solve
your Marketing & Advertising woes once and for all! FOREVER!
(This is what I can do when I have the answers to My Discovery Form
BEFORE we have our meeting) … This Strategy Session has a fee

I want you to believe you have invested your hard-earned dollars wisely …
So, I will be thorough, and you’ll be led down the right path forever more …
No more wondering, no more guesswork … This is NOT sales!

Come visit my Landing Page for more … CLICK HERE




The Business Plan

Niche Specific … Strategic … Ultimate Marketing

Grow your business, start a business, or prepare for funding requests …
Whatever your purpose is, everyone needs a Business Plan …

If there is one thing that you need above everything else when you start or own a business,
is a Marketing plan and the Strategies that go with it. Even if your business is brick-and-mortar
and not solely based on the web, Marketing Strategy should be your number one priority. It is
pretty mind-boggling how many people get into business, or have been in business for some
time, think they don’t need a Marketing plan and Strategy.

The 3 options above are the full thorough Business Plans …
There are many more, that would be less of an investment,
and they are hyper-focused, and for specific reasons …

Come visit my Landing Page for more … CLICK HERE




The Packages

Do you want “the goods”? But can’t or don’t want
to afford an investment for your own Business Coach?

I created them to help grow your business bigger and better than ever. And without
taking your entire life to do it, or getting a loan to hire an expensive Business Coach
who is worth it … Also, you may do Marketing & Advertising yourself, have a staff
member doing it, or already pay someone, BUT, would LOVE them to have this.

But consider this …

World-class, cutting-edge strategies and tactics that will position you as a leader
in your profession, and delivered to your inbox every 10 days, with a monthly
cost you can live with for about a year and a half. (Unless you want more!) …

Check them out below!


Come visit my Landing Page for more … CLICK HERE



Communications Package

104 Marketing & Business Tips … 30 Marketing & Business Articles
12 Special Reports … 12 Business Coaching Full Lessons …

Communications Peek

Bronze Package

52 Strategic Marketing & Business Growth Articles, Blogs, and Reports
More detailed, longer, and in-depth than Communications” Pkg …

Bronze Peek

Silver Package

52 Complete and Comprehensive Business Coaching Lessons (in Ebooks)
The lessons and tips are expanded here … Plainly, more time and effort is
provided with this Package for your business success … Thus, the higher cost

Silver Peek

Silver Plus Package

With this Silver PLUS Package you will receive all the Silver Package
Ebook Lessons (Complete and thorough Business Coaching Lessons),
but on VIDEO … Each Video is 20 – 40 minutes … Watch, pause & learn!

Silver Plus Peek





I can find $10,000 to $50,000 (and many times $100k or more),
hidden potential in your business … All you need to do, is fill out
one form … This is not a joke, gimmick, or trick … It’s very real!

Come visit my Landing Page for more … CLICK HERE




The Strategic Marketing BLOG

My 2nd website

Unlock your tremendous business potential … Come visit my BLOG
See more “strategy”, plus some outstanding Special Gifts …

And the Training and Service is Off-The-Charts!

Come See For Yourself




And Don’t Forget … The Deals



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