Competition-Crushing Marketing
I teach proven processes for designing, developing and creating Advertising and Marketing that’s so compelling it practically forces your prospects to buy what you sell. They no doubt have a major impact on your revenue and profits, as well as the ultimate success of your business.
When your Marketing and Advertising collateral doesn’t convert the way you need it to, it doesn’t just hurt your bottom line – it can cripple your confidence. Since the vast majority of Small Business Owners act as their own Marketing department, this can be devastating for their business. On top of that, the frustration of having to constantly rewrite, revise and redesign underperforming ads can make Marketing seem like a tedious chore instead of the enjoyable exercise in persuasion it’s meant to be.
Fortunately, there are simple but powerful ways to create highly effective Marketing the first time – Marketing that gets prospects emotionally invested and ready to buy your product or service. Just remember the major point I usually discuss, is that prospects buy based on emotion. That’s why it’s essential you get in touch with the pain your prospects bring to the table. Features won’t sell your product or service, solution-oriented benefits will. Let your prospects know that you can fix the kinds of things that keep them up at night. Before you even begin to try and impress your prospects with your incredible offer, you’ve got to show them that your solution is relevant to their specific situation. You must get yourself in tune with the pain points that are compelling them to buy.
Why are they searching for your particular product or service?
What’s holding them back, causing them stress, or making them break out into a cold sweat?
Take the time to step into your target customer’s shoes and get a sense of what they’re feeling. What are the most important pain points that they care about, the ones that make them say “I’d buy this solution in a heartbeat if I felt confident it would really work?” You want to frame your product or service as “the thing that makes their pain go away.”
What I Teach
I teach hidden secrets behind the creation of Compelling Marketing and Advertising. I provide the tools, the resources, the templates and the support that will result in you becoming a Marketing guru. With my guidance and support, you will begin to create industry dominating Marketing. This will give you the unprecedented ability to attract clients at will, attract them with greater frequency, at a lower cost, and with total and complete confidence and certainty.
The key to creating effective and Compelling Marketing is to know the secrets to getting your prospects to take action. Remember, you’re trying to get them to show up at a very specific Marketing channel so you can convert them from a prospect to a client. This requires a thorough and complete understanding of “Persuasion Marketing.” The Business Owner who understands how to create Messages, Ads and Marketing collateral that follows a persuasion format can literally gain the ability to dominate their market.
What Is Persuasion Marketing
Persuasion Marketing is simply organizing the buying and selling processes so you can present compelling information about your product or service that will persuade your prospects to take a specific action. Your Marketing should not only educate your prospects, it should persuade your prospects. With Persuasion Marketing, you strive to be successful in addressing the wants and needs of all prospects in such a way that you continue to move them through their various stages of decision-making.
The problem is that today, most Marketing experts resort to all sorts of tips, tricks, tools, and gimmicks in a futile attempt to convert a prospect into a client. None of these actually work for very long. Prospects are subjected to them so frequently that they’ve “wised-up” to the trickery. They have become jaded, skeptical and distrustful. For any Business Owner to become successful today, they must provide their prospects with an experience focused on the basic fundamentals of human nature. These fundamentals can make or break your business. Fail to understand them and you will never build the business of your dreams.
Let’s quickly review these basic human fundamentals. They will always apply as long as human beings roam the planet.
Fundamental #1
All prospects want the “best deal”
Fundamental #2
Always market to the negative
Fundamental #3
Prospects buy based on emotion and use logic to justify their purchase
Fundamental #4
Prospects want to buy from a business that’s “unique”
Fundamental #5
Prospects buy “extraordinary value”, NOT price
Fundamental #6
You must communicate your uniqueness and extraordinary value
Fundamental #7
Prospects buy what they want, not what they need
Fundamental #8
An undisturbed prospect will never buy
Fundamental #9
Prospects will do anything to avoid pain, but little to obtain pleasure
Fundamental #10
They don’t care about you or your business, they ONLY care about themselves. WIIFM
So Now What?
So how do you include these fundamentals when you create Persuasive Marketing? This is where the Marketing Equation comes into play. The Marketing Equation of Interrupt, Engage, Educate and Offer is the standard model to follow. You
MUST follow that format with all of your Marketing collateral. Never forget that it’s based on one of the oldest and most durable models known in Marketing.
It actually helps Small Business Owner’s appeal to exactly what it is a consumer wants emotionally, and if you remember, prospects buy based on emotion. Since that’s the case, you want to create Marketing messages that are so powerful and compelling, that have so much impact, that your prospects are practically forced to take a specific action. That action of course is mapped out in your sales process, and it’s an action that’s designed to advance your prospects closer to the final sale. That action varies depending on your sales process as well as your business. It may be to pick up the phone and call for more information or to set up an appointment, walk into your store and buy something you have on sale, or possibly go to your web site and get involved with your business in a myriad of ways.
Keep in mind that for any type of Marketing to work, it MUST do three things. It MUST grab your prospects attention, it MUST help them gather information & make a good decision, and it MUST give them a low or no-risk way to prove to themselves that your product or service does what you say it does so they take the next step.
The Marketing or Conversion Equation
Now, to help insure that you always include these three principles, all you need to do is follow the Marketing Equation for every piece of Marketing you develop. Interrupt, Engage, Educate and Offer is the basic overall format to use in all of
your Marketing efforts. However, I take pride in always providing you with cutting-edge, state-of-the-art innovative processes that keep you far ahead of your competition. While 99.9% of your competitors know nothing about the Marketing Equation, and using it alone can give you a massive competitive advantage, it can position you light years ahead of your competition. So when you (or someone you hire) creates Marketing, the emotional impact is doubled by using the Marketing Equation with a tested and consistently proven basic fundamental that directly impacts the decision making process, “repetition.” The more we hear or see something, the more comfortable we are with it, and the more likely we are to buy it.
Does “Branding” Really Work
Why do you think branding works? And why do you think branding is so ineffective for Small Business Owners. They don’t have the money to flash their brand ten thousand times so that prospects get comfortable with it. Coca-Cola does, Pepsi does, and those obviously work, when you have millions of dollars to spend on Marketing and years to invest for that Marketing to take hold.
In this process we combine repetition WITH the Marketing Equation to produce highly compelling, emotion-laden Marketing and Advertising messages and formats. Do you remember the old saying, “tell them what you’re going to tell
them, tell them, tell them what you told them?” This refers to the most common – and effective – of all messaging construction
methods. It basically divides every presentation into three-parts, the introduction, the body and the conclusion. And although this method is time-tested and proven, like most “old-time methods,” it has lost most of its effectiveness due to the proliferation of Marketing.
How Did I Make it Better
I modified it to fit the new Marketing paradigm that exists today, and then combined it with the Marketing Equation to produce a one-of-a-kind Marketing format that will position your business so far ahead of your competition that you will literally leave them in the dust.
“Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them.”
The first two components are still spot-on. When you’re trying to convince a prospect to buy what you sell, the best way to initially get your information into their minds is to literally tell them what you’re going to say. This prepares their minds in advance of the information to come which is presented to them in the introduction, and then you actually tell them, or educate them, in the body copy.
The Other Factors
Other factors to know about this have to do with primacy which refers to those things that come first, and recency which refers to those things that come last. Prospects remember what they see and hear at the beginning of a presentation and also at the end. Take yourself back to high school for a moment. After you studied a lesson for an hour, the teacher would say, “OK, let’s quickly review what we’ve covered this morning.” Do you remember their next words? Probably not. As soon as you realized you were going to review previously covered information, you mentally shut down and started preparing to leave class.
We all know that when you look at something that was previously covered you’re at the very beginning of a repetitive action. Prospects then think to themselves subconsciously, been there, done that!
OK, let’s wrap it up
Marketers cannot afford to become repetitive. It’s deadly! Repetition today is considered boring and unnecessary. Merely by suggesting that the class should go back over their work, the teacher hands them an “Uh, oh! We’ve been here before,” mindset and so their attention drifts. You remember doing that same thing don’t you? You immediately started to sweep your pen and ruler into your bag while whispering to a class-mate to wait for you outside of class. In other words, you stopped listening. The exact same attention-drift occurs in Marketing. Don’t put your prospects in that state-of-mind.
“Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them” is dead on, IF we change that third component to say, “Don’t tell them what you told them.” So what should you do instead? If you want to know, I just might be available …
Here’s To Your Success!