Fundamentals to Growing Your Business and 6 Crucial Questions
Considering The Fundamentals to Growing Your Business and 6 Crucial Questions … Small Business Owners, Professionals and Entrepreneurs Should Ask Themselves & Answer …
What value am I delivering with my product or service?
A primary fundamental to growing your business
Even though we may know the Fundamentals to Growing Your Business, are you bringing your valuable products or services to your customers or are they able to come to you, or visit with you Digitally …
Is there a better or different way to deliver the value of your product or service?
Another fundamental to growing your business
Have you explored all of the many ways to have viewers, or shoppers, or those who “search” on the internet, find you and what you offer … Do you have clever ways to display or reveal your “menu” of products or services … Do you make it clear and easy for anyone to see them …
Have you ever adjusted the way you speak or present what you offer to your ideal or target audience?
Another fundamental to growing your business
Are you constantly selling and not building relationships … Do you educate your audience, inform them of changes or updates, or even new changes or details that are powerful to have you looked at as the Authority in your niche or industry … How do you separate yourself from the other choices in your specific marketplace or location … Have you considered different methods to showcase your expertise …
Is there an idea, strategy or tactic you want to try?
Not necessarily related to the Fundamentals to Growing Your Business, certain Paid Ads, maybe the Paid Ads you haven’t heard of yet, Google My Business, More Social Media sites, Landing pages, a Sales Funnel, an Ebook showcasing your knowledge, Press Release Marketing, Using your Database to grow profits, and I could go on for days … Tons of Strategies and Tactics … Tested and Proven!
What other services can you provide to increase revenue?
Memberships, Shipping, Something else need that relates to what you offer, Delivery, Website “Pop-ups”, The services of a Joint Venture Partner, and more …
What Networking Groups could you join to find a Mentor, Coach, or colleagues to brainstorm ideas with?
A modern fundamental to growing your business
Ideas can always or often be sparked from interacting with others who have different points of view or experiences …
These questions and answers are about the fundamentals of growing your business …
Establishing a Specific Market Dominating Position
Identifying your target or ideal client or customer
Mapping out their decision-making process
Composing a Compelling Message
Creating a successful Sales Process
Deploying Strategic Marketing collateral instead of Tactical Marketing
And, as always, if there is anything I can do
to help with the Fundamentals of
Growing Your Business … just ask!