Digital Content Marketing

Digital Content Marketing




Crucial & Critical Questions To Discuss

 Is your website responsive, captivating, well-designed, and content-driven?
Are you active and consistent on social media?
Have you implemented any key SEO strategies to increase traffic?
Are your local directory listings claimed and optimized?
Are you using online videos to generate leads and boost conversions?
How’s your online reputation? Have you checked lately?
When was the last time you “audited” your marketing?

If you’re lacking in any of this, it’s time for a change



What is Digital Content Marketing?


Digital Content Marketing is simply the process of using the internet to implement strategies and
techniques geared towards driving leads and sales. Every business, no matter how big or small,
is afforded the opportunity to use these powerful methods. Methods that promote their products
and services, gain more exposure & attention, and build long-lasting credibility and authority.

Similarly, Mobile usage is hot and steadily on the rise. Consumers are using their smart phones,
tablets and other mobile devices more than ever. They search for products, services and the
businesses they want to investigate. Digital Content Marketing ties directly into this massive
mobile market. In short, it is creating powerful opportunities for businesses to get in front of
their target audience even more …

 There are numerous Digital Content Marketing strategies available today. The best ones will
depend on your specific company objectives and needs. From a basic website to a full blown
marketing plan, there are many options for your business needs. I especially use an “audit” that
reveals everything I need to know to help. It reveals what you’re good at, what you’re bad at, or
not doing at all. It gives me that foundation to grow your business and brand better than ever.



Why Digital Content Marketing?


Businesses are still spending their Marketing budget on traditional Marketing platforms,
such as newspapers, TV commercials, radio ads, billboards, and so on. They are seeing
very little,
if any, return on investment. On the other hand, the opposite is true for
those savvy enough, to harness the
enormous marketing power of the internet.


86% of people skip TV commercials
44% of direct mail is never opened
There are more than 11 BILLION Google searches each month
70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads
71% of internet users are purchasing more from a social media site and brand
You get more reach and exposure to your existing and potential customers

You reduce your costs when compared to traditional marketing methods
Results can be tracked and measured due to analytics tools and more



What I Do


Most importantly, I provide you with the fastest, most effective and affordable way to tap into
your specific online audience. After that, I create customized web-based Marketing strategies
that help engage prospective customers in creative, direct, and engaging ways. As a result,
they build brand loyalty and promote long-term relationships. Not only that, but I use a
multi-tiered approach, with as many platforms as necessary to help you achieve your
overall profitability goals. Likewise, any weaknesses you have that can be corrected.


Ready to Get Started?


First, I will evaluate your current presence. Second, I develop a strategy to produce
and maximize profits and revenue. My audits do just that for you. Are you ready to
leverage Digital Content and Online Marketing to grow and advance your business?
Contact me today, and let’s start a conversation!






Dave Smith

Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success


IMJustice Marketing



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