Why You Might Be Struggling To Expand Your Business



I get around a lot, and often meet some enthusiastic and extremely bright Business Owners all over the country.

What I say to most of my contacts, is an underlying struggle I see is being unable to expand your business, and Market your products or services to reach a broader set of customers. As a Business Coach and Marketing Strategist, this is something that breaks my heart to see a 100% competent Business Owner or Professional worrying about who their next client is going to be.


The Struggle

So, I’ve taken it on myself to help as many as I can to navigate the Marketing game with ease and grace. It could be tricky at first to find your ground while Marketing to your ideal clientele, and expand your business, with having no real formal education on how to build a business from a Business Coaching perspective.

But, it is essential for you to understand that there are more people than you think that are seeking what you have to offer, and as a Business Owner, the onus lies on you to let people know you exist so that they can make an informed choice.

Concerning the field that you are an expert in, the approach is never straight forward, since there are challenges associated with each of them. While many have openly embraced the concept of Marketing “Tactics”, it is still considered commonplace  to get going with or spend money on the newest, most heard of, or the Tactic “sold” to you.

Does that mean your chances of attracting new patients are bleak? Absolutely not. While the overall percentage of people mulling over these Marketing methods is low, it’s only growing. I want to take you through how you can improve your clientele through practical and simple techniques. And typically that involves “Strategy”.


Offer Value

Establish yourself as a leader in your field for your potential clients to see. How can you do that? Use your years of experience or your knowledge to educate and inform your audiences on various topics related to your industry and your solutions.

You could speak about different procedures, and what benefits or results they offer. The idea is to take the approach of Magnetic Marketing instead of Traditional Marketing Tactics or methods – which we have established don’t work very well for your niche audience any more.

Offer free quizzes, surveys or even games so people can learn about what you specialize in. Free Online Consultations or free Ebooks, that give insight into what you deal with, or even simple tips they can use every day, are outstanding at setting you apart from the rest. Not only does this establish you as a subject matter expert, but pulls your potential clients towards you without much effort.


Keep Your Messaging Positive

People always remember how you made them feel. Make sure people are left empowered with the messaging you distribute.  Making ads with negative connotations is not very smart. If you want your wait-list to be filled, make sure your potential clients know they lack nothing and are entirely on their own, and what your service offers is merely an enhancement to uplift them.

What you provide is an effective and readily available option for people to answer or solve their wants or needs. But their confidence, for fixing what they may be missing, will be strong because of the content you provide to them. Make sure this comes through in your messaging, and your potential clients know they will be cared for in a satisfying way. Let them know indisputably that they matter, so do their uncertainties, and that their confidence in a competent Business Owner or Professional (or even Expert) is justified.


Keep the reviews coming

You may have worked with multiple happy clients over the weeks, months or years. Take their help in attracting new clients, since no Marketing works like Word-of-Mouth Marketing. Think about it, wouldn’t you visit that one restaurant your friends rave about time and again? When you deal with a niche set of clients, you will find takers within their own circles and communities.

Just ask them to put in a good word, or offer a discount on their services if they recommend a friend. Your new customers will be much more open and ready since a friend spoke well of you and your services.

For Online platforms, make sure your Website and Social Media reviews are powerful. Keep your clients anonymous if they wish, but ensure your best reviews are out there for everyone to see. Be proactive in responding to negative feedback. I can’t stress on this enough.

An old adage goes  “To know why Jane Doe buys what Jane Doe buys, you must see things through Jane Does eyes”. If you don’t know what that saying means, make sure you contact me immediately.

While it may seem daunting to navigate around the Marketing space, and expand your business, understand that you come with substantial experience, and your clients should be in good hands. Your expertise, armed with a few Marketing tricks up your sleeve could win the day. And the month, and the year. And beyond!


Business Owners struggle to expand their businesses for many reasons, but these are just a hint at the challenges they face day-to-day. A good Marketing Expert or Business Coach should be able to show the way.