Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing




Social Media Marketing
Conversation-Starter Tips

Exactly what I am trying to say in my video


When it comes to Social Media Marketing, establishing good communication between you
and your followers is pertinent in driving your business forward in today’s competitive market.
Depending on the type of business you run, there are different methods you can use to start
conversations that will ultimately generate new business.

While there are numerous ways to start successful conversations, the key is doing it in a
way that supports your business goals. The following are a few basic tips you can use to
get the ball rolling towards meaningful connections with your social media followers.


When It Comes to Social Media Marketing,

Establish a Human Connection


Unfortunately, with today’s technology, the use of robotic responses has caused many
people to feel like just another “sale.” Because of this, establishing that you truly are a
living, breathing human being goes a long way towards gaining trust among your followers.

There was a time when addressing your audience by their first names or posting
pictures was enough to show that you are real; however, that is no longer the case.

While you can still use these methods, the trick is to verify that a person actually posted
them. You can do this by making a comment on a posted picture saying when and where
it was taken, commenting on the current weather in your area, or just sharing normal
day-to-day experiences in your business that people will relate to.

If you can do all of these things, your followers, in their natural tendency to move towards
human companionship, will leave comments in response to your posts. As a result, you
show them that you are indeed a real person, and conversations will ensue based off
your personal dealings.


Social Media Marketing

and Involvement


Involvement from Social Media fans is a great way to start conversations. By opening
up real discussions, you close the “disconnect” that people experience when they are
conversing through a computer. You will be able to make them feel as if their input truly
means something to you.


Some examples of “involvement” include:

Asking your audience for advice about a particular subject,
asking them about personal struggles (related to your industry)

Don’t forget about pictures of customers using your products

Having “customer of the week/month” competitions

Asking for customers’ opinions about decisions you are
making in your business


When you open up to your Social Media followers and truly treat every one of
them as a personal member of your online world, the conversations will come
and flow naturally; this is the key to overall Social Media success.


So, find an expert, start a campaign, and watch your
grow faster than you ever thought possible.



Ready to get started with

Social Media Marketing?


Contact me today and find out how I can help with your Social Media Marketing
needs, and the many methods to grow your business or brand better than ever!




Dave Smith

Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success


IMJustice Marketing



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