Reputation Management






Why Should You Care About
Reputation Management?


Reputation Management teaches us that 90% of consumers trust the recommendations of
others. So your company’s Online Reputation has the power to either build up or destroy your
business. One negative comment about your company can have a serious negative impact
on your ability to generate new customers. The internet has provided consumers with the
ability to voice their opinions whenever they want. If you make just one mistake when dealing
with a customer it can really come back to haunt you if they turn to the web to vent their
frustrations. In fact, the damage is done even if their complaints are not necessarily true.


Is this fair?  No … 
But it doesn’t change the fact that other people can create
your Online Reputation if you don’t gain control over it yourself.


But fixing, building, and maintaining a positive online image isn’t easy. It’s time consuming
and it takes a lot of skills and knowledge to get the job done. As a Business Owner, you
probably have no idea where to turn to fix your damaged reputation. I can help you …
And today, the search engines weigh this much bigger, and it matters with “ranking” …


Who I am


IMJustice Marketing does Reputation Management for the Business Owner.
I work with companies to fix, build, or maintain a positive online image.

I take pride in helping companies like yours build positive customer reviews, address
damaging remarks, and publish positive content surrounding your brand. Protecting your
reputation early and in the proper way will help you avoid any potential negative comments
and reviews and highlight your company in a positive manner. However, if you’re already
suffering from the damage of a negative Online Reputation, don’t despair. It isn’t too late
to start repairing it. I can CHANGE the way your business is perceived by prospects,
customers and the general public. And have amazing software that REALLY helps …


What I Do


With my expertise and understanding, I can help you with a variety of Reputation Services –
whether you need to clean it up or build one from scratch. In addition to that, I will help you
build brand awareness, ensure you are releasing positive content on a consistent basis, and
work to generate more positive online reviews from your customers. Whatever your current
reputation, my Online Reputation Management methods will implement strategies to help
strengthen your online image. As a result, you can expect a positive well-accepted image
to your audience and your customers. Even if they have otherwise moved on to one of
your close competitors. And did I say, I have a very powerful software for this?


Reputation Management
Ready To Discuss It?

Why choose me for Reputation Management Services?
I help with your Online Reputation Management of your company no matter
who is searching for your business online – customers, clients or coworkers.

My Reputation Management services create and highlight positive content for your business
and push down negative search results so you control what people see when they search for
your brand. And, with the “software” I use, you can manage this very well, and Lead Generation
comes with it … There’s really no match in the marketplace to this kind of power …


Ask me about the greatest software ever created for
Reputation Management and Lead Generation …
There is nothing like it anywhere!


Contact me today to find out how I can help with your Online Reputation!






Dave Smith


Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success


IMJustice Marketing



The Awesome Software I Use For Reputation Management and Lead Generation
As I said, there is nothing like it, and I can prove that …
CLICK RIGHT HERE to see it for yourself



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