Business Videos

Business Videos




Business or Promotional Videos

get you noticed more, get you more leads,
and you make
more revenue.


At least half of all consumers view online business videos when
searching for information.
So, if you don’t currently have
Videos in place, your business could be shutting
out nearly half
of your prospective customers. Can you really afford to do that?


What is Marketing with Business Videos?


Marketing with Video is the process of incorporating online videos into your
mix in order to generate more leads and convert more prospects
into customers. Although
there are many different types of videos you can
create, they all have one end goal in mind:
to increase sales. This can be achieved
with videos that directly promote your products
and services, as well as videos
that simply educate your customers. Additionally, you can create
style videos, tips, how-to videos, product demos, company overviews,
testimonials, explainer videos, product & service videos, and much more.


Why Market with Videos?


When it comes to capturing the attention of your online audience, you need
a strong visual presence that will make them take notice – and take action.
A well-defined Video Marketing strategy will help you build brand awareness,
establish credibility, achieve higher website rankings, and increase website
traffic. (And captivate, be unique and more memorable.)



Using Business Videos in your Marketing will help you:

Grab more attention
Create a personal connection with viewers
Achieve higher website rankings and more online visibility
Convert more prospects
Build brand awareness
Gain a competitive advantage



IMJustice Marketing creates customized videos tailored to your business
needs. I create
a Digital Marketing campaign which aims to promote those
videos and your company to
your target audience. If you’re looking to draw
in website traffic, build brand awareness and
boost your search engine
rankings, Business Videos are exactly what you need. With videos
up a huge portion of consumer internet search traffic, it highlights just
how important
this Marketing method is for businesses today. However,
with the massive number of videos
being released online each day, it’s
hard to get yours to stand out … But, it can be done!

With years of Business & Marketing experience, I offer unique custom,
quality videos, and they can be
optimized for search engines. In addition,
I offer targeted online advertising ideas to help your business get
more. And, in case you didn’t know, they work! They are preferred than text!


Ready to Get Started?


The sad fact is that if you aren’t using Business Videos – but your competitors
are – you
are at a huge disadvantage. If you’re ready to attract more local leads
and convert them
into paying customers, it’s time to step into Digital Marketing
with solid business
videos built to reinforce your brand, captivate your audience,
and boost attention.


Contact me today, and let’s discuss how using VIDEO
can have a very big impact on your revenue and profits!



Dave Smith

Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success



IMJustice Marketing




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