

Tactical Services


As a Small Business Owner you can lose business growth focus and get caught up in
the every minute of doing what you do best in business. You must find ways to add
value, even when you’re busy. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with all that you do, so to
avoid this, I offer my World-Class Strategic and Tactical Marketing for your business.
I have also created something of GREAT value, in case you already do your own
Marketing, or hired out for this crucial service … I call themThe “Packages”!

These offers are your “recipe for business success”

Are you anxious to get some Marketing done?

OR anxious to grow your business THE RIGHT WAY?


Book an appointment with IMJustice Marketing using SetMore

or just email me, fill in the comment box at the bottom of any page, or call me

I Created 6 Different Methods Of Doing Business

IMJustice Marketing Six Options



Please Read …

When it comes to “Tactics” (or methods) to implement your “Strategies”, MOST

Business Owners have no idea what’s being done to them … Marketing Salespeople,
Advertising Salespeople, and those who only represent ONE (or two) Marketing tactics
or methods, are just pushing or trying to boast how great they all are and their 1
or 2
methods … But there is SO MUCH MORE! Believe me, there really is


It’s not your fault!

When you are approached by a REAL Professional, who is NOT pushing the latest or

greatest “method” to generate massive amounts of revenue, you now should go through
an overall general diagnosis (or audit) of your entire business, NOT just a particular part
of it, so that the RIGHT decisions can and will be made to grow your business better
than ever imagined possible … Thus, Strategic Marketing …


Business Coaches are paid for their “advice”
and “guidance”, 
NOT for what we “sell” to you …


My question is, if you are visiting a Surgeon, don’t you think there will be a complete
and full diagnosis … It is malpractice if there isn’t … That’s exactly what I mean!

Now that you know this, it’s up to you …




Business Coaching

Too often, Marketing Salespeople push what “they” can sell, or what their “company wants
them to” … A Business Coach dances to a different tune.
We take the good, the bad, and
figure out how to amplify the good,
add to that, and slowly (or quickly), delete the wrong
or bad … Methodical Game Plans or Roadmaps … with World-Class Strategies & Tactics!

Here’s how you would qualify

You’re serious about building a successful and profitable business,
You’re not afraid to become the dominant player locally in your industry,
You want more from life and a dream career,
You’re willing to work ON your business instead of IN it,
You understand that implementation gets results … NOT just information,

Success doesn’t come easy. It requires time and attention to achieve maximum results.
This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. The amount of work and effort you devote to your
business will determine your return on your investment … Action & Implementation!

If you feel you’re ready to grow your business exponentially and take it
to the
next level with confidence and certainty … here’s what to do next:

Get right to it and fill out  MY DISCOVERY FORM

Or, check out more information about it  RIGHT HERE




The Strategy Session

We can communicate for around an hour, and that is at NO COST …
(Your challenge, concern, issue, or question … ANSWERED or SOLVED!)
Or, for 1, 2, 3 or even more hours (whatever it takes), I will solve
your Marketing & Advertising woes once and for all! FOREVER!
(This is what I can do when I have the answers to My Discovery Form
BEFORE we have our meeting) … And this Strategy Session has a fee …


My Discovery Form For Strategy Sessions

I want you to believe you have invested your hard-earned dollars wisely …

So, I will be thorough, and you’ll be led down the right path forever more …
No more wondering, no more guesswork … It’s what I do!

Check out more about it RIGHT HERE




The Business Plan

Niche Specific … Strategic … Ultimate Marketing

Every Plan has a specific purpose. Some topics you may be aware of, and most,
are from some of the TOP Business Minds on the planet … Grow your business,
start a business, or prepare for funding requests … Whatever your purpose …

Executive Summaries, Target Markets, Elevator Pitches, SWOT Analysis, Pricing, Goals,
Positioning, KPI’s, Industry and Competitive Analysis, Marketing & Promotional Materials,
Conversion Strategies, and more…

Financial Projections, Referral Strategies, Joint Ventures, your Teams (if you have a
Operations, Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and all designed to have
there be no doubt
or wonder what to do, how to do it, and a Roadmap or Game Plan
at your fingertips to grow
your business better than ever, or borrow the amount of
capital to begin, grow or even expand your
business the way that ONLY a great
Business Plan can … The format I follow is created by
a team of Professionals,
recognized globally, as the best there is at this crucial service …

More information to check out this service




The Packages

Complete cutting-edge Strategies that work every day worldwide …

I created them to help grow your business bigger and better than ever. And without
taking your entire life to do it, or getting a loan to hire an expensive Business Coach
who is worth it … Also, you may do Marketing & Advertising yourself, have a staff
member doing it, or already pay someone, BUT, would LOVE them to have this.

But consider this …

World-class, cutting-edge strategies and tactics that will position you as a leader
in your profession, and delivered to your inbox every 10 days, with a monthly
cost you can live with for about a year and a half. (Unless you want more!) …

Check them out below!



Communications Package

… 101 Marketing & Business Tips … 30 Marketing & Business Articles …
12 Special Reports … 12 Business Coaching Full Lessons …

Communications Peek


Bronze Package

… 52 Strategic Marketing & Business Growth Articles, Blogs, and Reports …
More detailed, longer, and in-depth than Communications” Pkg …

Bronze Peek


Silver Package

52 Complete and Comprehensive Business Coaching Lessons (in Ebooks) …
The lessons and tips are expanded here … Plainly, more time and effort is
provided with this Package for your business success … Thus, the higher cost …

Silver Peek


Silver Plus Package

With this Silver PLUS Package you will receive all the Silver Package
Ebook Lessons (Complete and thorough Business Coaching Lessons),
but on VIDEO … Each Video is 20 – 40 minutes … Watch, pause & learn!

Silver Plus Peek



Gold Package – Tactical

This package will be all about implementation of Tactical Marketing methods.
This is when you hire me to actually “do” the Marketing for you … Or with you!

This is all about “implementing” and doing the work for you …
We will discuss the appropriate choices, and we will choose wisely …

Want to see a bit of what these can be? CLICK HERE


Gold Package – Strategic

In essence, this package is for hiring me to be your Business Coach …

This package will be all about Strategic Marketing tips, strategies and ideas.
There are an endless amount of Revenue and Profit Generating tested and proven
Strategies that transform any business … They work, and they are very effective …

Unlike what you may be used to, I do not act as a Salesman here … There are

tons of Strategies & Tactics to grow a business, and the common typical Marketing
or Advertising Pro does not discuss them, or earn a living recommending them …
Thus, most Business Owners never hear about them … I change that!


Platinum Package

The best I have to offer to grow your business …
I am like your very own Marketing Department …

A combination of the Strategies AND the Tactics to implement them …
I am your Marketing Department more or less … Your partner in growth …
Only ONE strategy may be all it takes … They are all tested & proven!
You make the monthly investment, I will prove to you it’s worth it …





I can find $10,000 to $50,000 (and many times $100k or more),
hidden potential in your business … All you need to do, is fill out
one form … And this is not a joke! … Happens EVERY DAY!


Want to see maybe a bit more? Here is my webpage and video




The LAST Software

You May Ever Need

Unlock superpowers for your business growth … Automated A.I.
Lead Generation and Cold Outreach for more Leads and Sales …
And the Training and Service is Off-The-Charts!

Come See For Yourself




And Don’t Forget … The Deals





Dave Smith


IMJustice Marketing



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