Pricing Our Services

Pricing Our Services

( Prices will differ at times, and multiple discounts are available )


My Pricing … A few points

You probably heard many Marketing related promises to grow your business …
I understand! … I typically over-deliver for whatever we agree on as payment …
I actually take pride in that … But, we “agree” on an amount that makes sense
to the both of us … and I put forth a Strategic or Tactical Plan of action …

If you happen to be not in the Market for hiring or investing in someone else,
I also offer “Packages” of World-Class information, which is what a high caliber
Business Coach or Marketing Strategist would teach … BUT, without their cost!
We discuss things, get to know each other better, and come to an agreement.



IMJustice Marketing and our pricing


The BIG 5 


The Marketing Audit  –  $250, $500, $750  –  Up to 30 days to complete
Website Security  –  $199 – $299  –  In special cases, it can be more
Business Funding – Lots of loan types, and over 75 contacts nationally
(I also offer thorough and complete Business Plans for this purpose)
Claiming your Business Online  –  $250 for the basic … $500 for the ultimate
Website & Web Pages Speed  –  $250 to do the complete check & overhaul



FREE Subscription
NO COST for 61 value-packed emails in all,
delivered one per week to your inbox

CLICK HERE to check into it
a bit more


Business Coaching
$497 $750, $997, and $1497 per month … Game Plan & Strategies
will be decided upon when we have our meetings-of-the-mind …
Each choice has one of “The Packages” included (see below) …

CLICK HERE to check into it a bit more


Strategy Sessions
$1 for an hour, and get answers or solutions to your woes,
$500 for as long as it takes … complete and thorough (Zoom-type)

CLICK HERE to check into it a bit more


Business Plans
Niche Specific $750, Strategic $1000, Ultimate Marketing $1000
There is an “add-on” called “By The Numbers” … If purchased,
whichever Business Plan is decided on, the total will be $1500 …
EVERY Business should have one! Extremely powerful …
CLICK HERE to check into it a bit more


The Packages
$97 to $397 per month, lasts about a year and a half long
All the top world-class strategies right to your inbox!
Designed specifically to provide the same world-class information
but without investing in a Business Coach, or Marketing Strategist …

CLICK HERE to check into it a bit more


The Software
Packages range from $297 to as much as $1997 per month …
May be the last software you will ever need for your business …

CLICK HERE to check into it a bit more


Reveal the financial potential that lies within your business …
CLICK HERE to be amazed and also very enthusiastic when we are finished




As Seen On The “Services” Page

(From beginning to end, each Package lasts for about 50-55 weeks)


Communications Package $97 per month

Bronze Package   …   $197 per month

Silver Package    ...    $297 per month

Silver Plus Package    ...    $397 per month


Gold PackageTactical    …   $497 per month

Gold Package Strategic    …   Coaching
$497, $750, $997, or $1497 per month

Platinum Package    …    $1497 per month



Tactical Marketing Methods


Pay Per Click Ads

Whatever you agree is your monthly “ad spend”, that amount will be
added to what my Tactical Marketing cost is per month …

Video Marketing

Video creation, optimization, description, and sharing … When pricing our
services for Video, it is part of a Tactical approach, or it can be a one-time
cost for just a video or two … This is the future of Marketing …

Digital Content Marketing

This is an overall Marketing category that takes on many shapes and sizes.
Again, $497 per month covers the implementation of chosen Tactical methods …
We will discuss what makes sense for your business and the cost involved …
Artificial Intelligence, automation, and business experience help create assets.

SEO Marketing

Videos, websites, blogs, images, links, keywords, tags, meta, articles, posts and
more. In optimization, this should be a regular duty or responsibility. Optimized
and looking
good one or two months will not last in the search engines. At $497
per month, SEO
Marketing pretty much assures you that you will “show up” when
someone searches for
what you do … Currently, I use near 60 tools or methods to
use and/or monitor for this … They are the best created at this point in time …

Social Media Marketing

It takes a MASSIVE amount of activity today to make spending your time on
Social Media worth it … You can use the software I invested in because you
don’t need my help, have a staff that already does this for you, or you are OK
doing all of this yourself … And at a VERY affordable monthly cost … Or, as
with many Marketing strategies or tactics, you can hire me to do this for you.
And that goes for building the perfect “profiles” as well … (Important!)

Website Design  & Marketing

To create the actual website is $500.00 … To add or create the content,
improve or enhance it, $500.00 …You will need “hosting” and someone to
maintain the website … Maintenance could be anywhere from $50 to $100
per month … As usual, it depends on our discussion … A crucial subject!

Email Marketing

$500 set-up fee on top of my monthly Tactical Marketing cost
(not etched in stone though … it always depends) …
Quite a bit goes into the setup here … It’s where the experience and
Marketing skills show … AND, just so you know, if you need the emails
written for you, I can oblige in a big way! I have the tools …

List Building

Building a list is an art … Did you ever hear “The money is in the list”?
Well, the biggest and baddest Marketers swear by that statement … There are
different strategies to build a “List” … Do you currently have a “database”?
Is it being used to its fullest potential? Typical strategies are based on a
Compelling Offer, from posting, a
Landing or Squeeze Page, and a place to
retrieve the names and emails to keep
in touch …This should be an ongoing
Tactic, and a lot goes into its creation … Used for decades!

Lead Generation  & Reputation Management

When it comes to Leads, and your Reputation, they both kind of blend together …
The software I invested in can find all the leads you can handle … Another
software, which is primarily for Reputation Management, finds current leads who
are “talking about” who you are, what you do, and anything related to that …
It enables you to “monitor” everyone on the internet … And I promise you, you
have never seen anything like it … Instant communicating ability for those who
are currently mentioning anything that has to do with you and what you do …

Google My Business

Google My Business – $250 for the Basic set up, and $500 for the Premium
This could possibly be the best money for Local Marketing you can ever spend …
When pricing our services, I can do this service for you and then we are done.
Or, it will be included as a Tactic, and will pay for itself over and over again when
implemented, because activity and adjustments KEEP you ranked and out in front …

Online Directories

This is all about getting found, and dominating your competition in searches …

Believe it or not, many don’t even know what this is … It is a way to dominate
the searches … There are hundreds of Directories, and they all “search” …
When you have a presence on them (like a profile or listing), it will be very
hard for any competitor to beat you in the searches … Especially, the very
famous and sought after Google 3-Pack … The place to be!

Press Releases

3 different options to choose from with Press Release Marketing
And in case you didn’t know, your PR is sent to Google News, Fox, NBC, ABC,

Affiliate News Sites, and 450+ Authority Links throughout this country …

First Option:

Here, a one-time charge for a one time Press Release … $497 …

Second Option:

As a monthly service, $497 per month … One Press Release per month …

Third Option:

This is the largest directory site on the planet … One-time and monthly choices …

Basic – One-time $400 … Monthly $400 – to the major search engines
Standard – One-time $500 … Monthly $500 – also, to tons of media sites
Advanced – One-time $699 … Monthly $650 – also, emailed to influencers
Premium – One-time $799 … Monthly $750 – also, to related Twitter and Blogs






IMJustice Marketing Service Pricing


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