Video Marketing

Video Marketing




The trends of Internet and Video Marketing have always been evolving. Back then, it was
Article Marketing. Then came the paid advertising (PPC). Today, we have Video Marketing.

What is Video Marketing? It is the art of using videos to market and grow your business.
This could be in the form of using videos for getting leads, building traffic or selling a video
product. Video Marketing is great because it has the ability to grow viral. Viral Marketing
spreads as fast and as widely as a biological virus, but in the marketing sense. This can
help you reach a wide audience in a short amount of time and at a low cost.

People love watching videos, so much more because you can incorporate visual and audio
elements which can excite emotions and make content interesting. E-books are still effective,
but videos which have been getting better and better, and can put the “human” touch into it.


So what can Video Marketing do for your business?
Well, if done correctly & optimized, it can:


Significantly boost traffic to your site
Increase conversions, leads and sales
Build up brand awareness
Educate viewers to your products & services


Furthermore, online videos are easier to find in search engine results.
So if you want more search engine exposure, video is the best way to do it.

However, it takes more than simply releasing a video on the web to get results.
Video Marketing is hard work and takes a significant amount of time to get it right.


Who I Am

concerning Video Marketing


IMJustice Marketing creates customized videos tailored to your business needs. I then
create a Digital Marketing campaign (if desired) which promotes those videos and your
brand to your targeted audience and to the digital online world. If you’re looking to draw
in new website traffic, build brand awareness and boost your search engine rankings,
Video Marketing is exactly what you need.

With videos taking up a huge portion of internet traffic, it highlights just how important
this marketing method is for businesses today. However, with the massive number of
videos released online each day, it’s hard to get yours to stand out. With many years
of experience, I offer unique, captivating and optimized videos, video distribution, and
targeted online video advertising to help your business get noticed online and grow.



What I Do

concerning Video Marketing


IMJustice Marketing strongly believes in the power of Online Video Marketing. Not only that,
but I know what it takes to create campaigns that successfully boost website traffic, sales,
and revenue. I can handle the entire process from creating your videos, to publishing them,
to optimizing them correctly, to driving traffic to them, and also regularly post them for you.


Ready to get started?

Contact me TODAY and tell me what you’re thinking




Dave Smith

Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success



IMJustice Marketing



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