F. A. Q.

Frequently Asked Questions


Number One
Do you guarantee results?

This is always the hardest question to deal with because we are in a “guarantee” or-your-money
back kind of a world in business these days … In Marketing, and growing your brand, business,
revenue, client base, profits, Social connections, rankings, and on and on, it is one thing for a
Business Coach or Marketing Consultant to recommend or suggest a strategy or tactic … And
yet another thing for a Small Business Owner to actually do it … This could be the cause of
grief, tension, reputation troubles and strife, that nobody wants …

What if suggestions are brilliant, and the Business Owner or the employees are just
plain bad or poor in business? It would hardly be the Marketing Pro’s fault … Am I right?
It also depends on if I am “Coaching”, or actually “implementing” the Marketing …

But, with that being said, my guarantee is (to a $500 to $1497 per month Business Coaching
client), if an entire year of service produces no results of any kind, than I state that I will
continue working without a monthly fee until some results show … This hasn’t happened yet …


Number Two
What is the difference between Strategy and Tactics?

Strategic Marketing is a process of planning, developing and implementing maneuvers to obtain
a competitive edge in your chosen niche. This process is necessary to outline and simplify a direct
map of the company’s objectives and how to achieve them. It is in your “messaging” and how you
answer the fears, concerns, stresses, problems, and issues of your target or ideal audience …

Tactical Marketing. While Strategic Marketing looks at the goals of the company, Tactical
focuses on the methods to achieve that goal. With a strategy in place, the actions
or tactics” needed to reach your goal can be set into motion. Another explanation is:

Tactical Marketing tools are the activities or the implementation to execute your Marketing
plan to meet your Strategic goals or objectives. … That is Marketing. You develop tactics
based on your strategies, and the methods you’ll use to implement them …

And, as I say, Strategies unlock the potential that lies within your business,
and the Tactics are the methods for making your Strategies come to life …


Number Three
How are you different than other Marketing Salespeople?

Your typical Marketing Salesperson or Professional, has a specialty or two … They do SEO, or
they do Videos, or they do Email Marketing or Newsletters … Or even print ads or copywriting …

IMJustice Marketing knows how to do all Tactics because it is not one size fits all … Tactics
work for one company or industry, but would not work for others … 95% of ALL Small Business
Owners believe it’s these “tactics”, that will bring them a boat load of business … And that is
exactly how I differentiate from the rest … You will see some of the more common one’s on
the Tactical Marketing website under “Categories” …
https://IMJusticeMarketing.com/blog …

But that’s not the point … You are in business to grow revenue, earn profit, and maybe build a
million dollar business to possibly sell one day … RIGHT? … So, as a Business Coach, I discuss
your overall message, profit generating strategies, proven profit formulas, and the 7 distribution
channels, the 20 different Marketing Strategies, and the 77 different Marketing Tactics … Some
work for your business, some won’t … BUT, a Salesperson doesn’t know them, and has no care
to because it is not what they are in business for … And then there are my Audits … ??? …


Number Four
How do I know what will work for my Business specifically?

This is why an Audit is crucial …I developed around 12 or so of them … Each one has a tiny bit
of a difference, and I certainly don’t use all of them for one business … Historically, they are very
expensive … Like, $1500 to as much as $3500 or even more at times … This is typical!

But, my Audits are great values for the price … $250, $500 and $750 … These prices are at least
half of what the rest
of the market charges … I don’t have a reason why, they are just my prices …
The more you pay, the longer they are and the more intense they are … (and revealing) …

So, when the Audit is complete, (besides knowing what to look at and for based on
knowledge and experience), it gives me the necessary material and insight I need, to do what
I do to create the appropriate Strategies and Tactics that will work best for you … I have a nose
for what I think you need with my own research of your business … The Audit gets right to what
you are good at, bad at, and what you could specifically use for specific reasons … Without it,
it’s like playing darts, and each dart is a $1000 throw to see if you can hit the bulls-eye …
After the Audit, the bulls-eye grows to almost the size of the entire board … Get my drift?


Number Five

How do I know if you know some things or are a phony?
And why won’t you show me some proof with clients?

I love these two questions because of a few reasons …
I have been trained by the top Business Coaches and Marketing Experts on earth … And
that’s a lot of them! Not just one or two people … Why I linked into certain groups, is because
they are the best of the best … The one’s that most cannot afford … I think they are brilliant …

And, to add to that, I am a total student of what I am and what I do … I actually WANT to help
you succeed … And of course, I want you to keep paying me because you see the value …
I am in my 60’s now, and because the Marketing world is ever evolving, I learn every day …

As far as proof … I will never reveal a client … I just won’t do that … I have Case Studies, and
was actually reluctant to even do that because this happens to be one of the biggest frauds out
there today … You can actually purchase reviews … So, I say, if we meet, or we discuss working
together … And you do not see the value, or the Audit sounds like a bad idea to you, then we
never start … If through conversation, you think I might know a thing or two, you then decide
to keep moving forward with me … And, we don’t even have to do a long term contract …

Also, if you see my posts on Social Media, my blogs and articles on my 2 websites, my videos
that appear on YouTube, the comments I make under random posts that seem to need help
with something about business or Marketing, or as you are looking around either one of my
two websites, you find my words or knowledge very tiny or lame, then just move on … But, if you
haven’t really heard anyone speak like I do, maybe I can raise your eyebrow, and we can talk …


Number Six

How much work do I have to do after I hire you?
Will there be additional charges?
Do you do all of it?

This really depends on what we are going to do together … And it depends on you …
And, communication is the key … And that’s whether it’s through email, the phone,
in person, or even video chat … I do all of them … But a “zoom” meeting is the best!

If Social Media is involved, it is one thing to “build” a profile, and yet another thing to post
regularly, and communicate to the very audience you want to build relationships with …
So, we discuss these things … And unfortunately sometimes a client just doesn’t help at
all, and doesn’t even want to understand or participate in the Strategic Marketing that
actually can grow their business and provide a better life … When that occurs, it is
always confusing to me, and quite the mystery …

The one thing I want to bring up here is this … You are still involved … It’s your business …
You can communicate with me, share ideas, talk about specials, prices, alterations, and more …
If you hire me for something simple and straight forward, then this becomes more focused and
easier … BUT, when we discuss “strategy”, it would be great to have your undivided attention.

In Social Media, it is prudent to be “active” … It actually takes a massive amount of activity …
It’s where you show your expertise, your personality, your care, how you are willing to help
others, how funny and maybe entertaining you are, how you are without a doubt the one they
should choose if they want products or services like the one’s you provide … You can have
someone else do this for you (like a staff member), but I think you should get involved …



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