Bronze Package

The Bronze Package, at $197 per month ($2364 for a year)



The Bronze Package



Small Business Owners today are desperate for proven and tested ways they can generate
more leads, attract more clients, and make more money. Unfortunately, even the world’s top
Marketers are finding it more and more difficult to effectively Market their products and services.

But what if you had access to your very own Marketing Strategies Treasure Chest that would help
you generate leads at will, or grow revenue and profits better than you could possibly imagine?

What if you could follow step-by-step, paint-by-numbers roadmaps that have a 15-year proven
track record of success for attracting new clients and growing businesses? And what if you had
direct, unrestricted access to all these tools, resources, strategies and tactics you needed to
literally skyrocket your revenue and actually turn your business into a “money machine”,
delivered right to your inbox about every 10 days for as much as about a year and a half?


Here is just a sample of what you will learn
in whatever Package suits your budget …


Attract more clients – Discover the ideal client that will make you wealthy
Your client’s decision-making process – Finding their “Hot Buttons”
What is it that actually compels your prospects to buy from you
What to say in less than 10 seconds that move your prospects to buy
Marketing that works – How to create Competition-Crushing Marketing
Creating powerful offers that generate leads
Increasing your conversion rate
Headlines that stop them in their tracks
A comprehensive referral strategy
STOP Discounting and increase sales WITHOUT losing customers
The Buyers Journey
Everything is wrong with your Marketing!
The 3 biggest mistakes Business Owners make
10 ways to generate online leads


The Vision or Mission Statement
Living and Breathing the 5-Part Profit Formula
Create Manage and Achieve Your Goals
Manage Time To Make More Money
Sales Letters as Lead Generation Tools
Why Choose Direct Mail For Your Business
Outstanding Websites
How To Get Powerful Testimonials
Offering a Strong Guarantee and Risk Reversal
How Staff Training and Development Will Make You More Money
How To Generate Leads Through Referrals
How To Plan and Execute Profitable Promotions
How To Reduce Costs and Increase Revenues


and more


52 Tested and Proven

Business & Marketing Lessons



IMJustice Marketing tips strategies and ideas (2)


Check out this opportunity of a lifetime that will help you attract more clients, drive more cash,
and grow your business better than you ever dreamed of! Many of today’s top (and most
expensive) Marketing Experts and Business Coaches worldwide are calling this the single most
powerful client attraction information ever created. And for a TINY fraction of what they charge!

Business Growth Solutions Customized For Your Business.

Come visit the webpage with a video and the order form in the image below, and give yourself
the most Business Coaching and Expert advice, with clearly constructed roadmaps to much
greater revenue and profits. Millions of dollars’ worth! But NOT for their high prices!


The Bronze Package, at $197 per month ($2364 for a year)








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