Google Business Profile



Business Profile



With more consumers relying on the Internet and Google to find what
they need, Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business),
has become an essential tool for companies looking to grow. What is
Google Business Profile, though, and why should your business use it?


Have you ever searched for a local business either on
your computer or on your phone? Who hasn’t right?


For the sake of Google My Business, when you do this, of course, there’s a lot of websites
that Google serves up. But especially in the case of local businesses there’s more. There
are the businesses pulled from Google’s Google My Business listings.

Google My Business, which used to be called Google Places, is essentially a geo-located
database of local business listings, which contains all the information a potential customer
or client might want when searching for a business like that. Information such as address
and phone number, hours of operation, a basic description of the business, and even
reviews of the business … (In a way, this is Google’s answer to Yelp.) …


Getting your business correctly listed on Google 

is extremely important for several reasons.


People are currently looking for you, and they can’t find you …
Your competitors are already on Google My Business …
Your competitors (or anyone really) can alter the information

about your business without you knowing about it!

( Yep, item #3 is pretty scary, but it happens all the time!
Your hours get modified. Information gets changed. And more. )


Bottom line is this. Potential customers and clients are already looking for you online
and on their phones. Why not make life easier for them, and more profitable for you?
Get your business listed correctly on Google My Business! I can help you with this.


How Google Business Profile Works
and Why You Want to Be There!


Whenever anyone searches for your business, or for anything related to the business niche
you’re in through Google Search or Google Maps, they will normally see, right at the top of the
search results, listings that are pulled from Google My Business. If you haven’t claimed your
listing, or even if you have, but you haven’t filled out your profile sufficiently, you’re losing
business! Potential customers/clients/ patients are trying to find you, but you’re either not
there, or your listing isn’t selling them on calling you instead of your competitors.

With your Google My Business listing, you not only show up in the search results of Google
Search and Maps, but you also have the ability to add information about your business that
will entice people to reach out to you and consider doing business with you. Your Google My
Business listing isn’t a one-time thing that you do and forget. It’s not static! Smart Business
Owners and Managers consistently update their listings with pertinent information about their
business … changes in hours for holidays, new products or services, new locations, discounts
and various coupons. When you periodically update your listing, you’re showing people who
find you (potential customers) that you’re a thriving enterprise. People like to do business where
other people are already doing business. In today’s terms, it’s called social proof! An active,
lively Google My Business listing is worth far more than the money and time it takes to create
it and maintain it.


The Bottom Line Is …


Claiming, optimizing, and actually using your Google Business listing
is one of the most important things you can do to get more business.
Reach out to me for help! I’ve helped many businesses just like yours
with their Google listings. Don’t lose out on that revenue any longer!





Dave Smith

Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success



IMJustice Marketing





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