Website Marketing

Website Marketing,
Creating & Design


Good Website Marketing teaches you a proven process for designing, developing and
creating a website (and landing pages) so compelling it practically forces your prospects
to take action. The appropriate powerful information will have a definite major impact on
your revenue and profits, as well as the ultimate success of your business.

I teach you the hidden secrets behind the creation of compelling Marketing and Advertising,
and how to apply those hidden secrets into the design and layout for your website so you
can turn it into a lead generation and money-making tool for your business.

The key to designing and building effective websites and landing pages is to focus on
what it is your prospects want your product or service to provide to them. In most cases,
they’re searching for a product or service that will solve a problem, overcome a frustration,
relieve a fear or remove a concern.



Why is Website Marketing & Design important?


The design of your company’s Website can have a great impact on your business and
also your Reputation. In times when technology advancements are constantly on the rise,
highlighting your online presence is crucial. A beautifully designed Website can help you
create a memorable brand for your business and build long term relationships with your
clients. A professional online presence for your business will have a positive impact on
visitors and can successfully convert them into happy, paying customers.


Creating beautiful websites with the users in mind


Creating a basic website for your business does not establish a professional image. There
are many factors that come into play when it comes to a successful, strong presence on the
web. By combining the most basic design elements, you can either encourage your visitors
to take action and become your next customers, or you can – unfortunately – determine them
to leave. We offer professional web design packages designed with the users in mind. With
years of experience creating beautiful websites from scratch, I understand how the users
behave online and I know how to successfully guide them towards a specific action.



Respecting the important principles of

effective Website Marketing and design


Professional Website design is more than just a modern trend. The combination of a
beautiful layout and effective web design techniques & principles can easily transform
even the most basic Website into an important asset for your business. To make sure
your investment will generate profit for your business, make sure these following
principles are applied during the Website design process.

Your business website should be responsive and load fast
Each web page should cater to your visitor’s needs
Information on your website should be easy to find and understand
Using the right color scheme is important
Quality content and visual elements are crucial
Navigation should be easy and intuitive


Choosing the best Content Management
System for your new website


Picking the best Content Management System for your website is important. Whether
you need a presentation Website for your business or need to build an online store to
showcase your products, I can help. For business Websites, I strongly recommend
using WordPress. WordPress is a 100% customizable, user-friendly and SEO friendly
platform. More than 20% of live websites today are built using this content management
system. Here’s why I recommend using WordPress to build an online presence for your
business. But, in some cases, an HTML simple site is just fine …

Security, user friendly, SEO friendly, Mobile friendly, and
100% customizable to fit your needs are all very important issues.


New Website Designs


I offer Web design services that include creating new websites from scratch. My design
process is straightforward and aims to create a strong online presence for your business.
I can help you make a statement and create a memorable brand. I put as much time in
planning your layout as I do in designing it. The planning and design processes go hand
in hand. I outline your most important business goals and design a website that helps you
convert more visitors into clients. From mapping out your entire content structure, to the
designing of a powerful logo (if needed), and branding materials, I will create a new, and
professional website for your business.


Website Redesign



Is your website not responsive yet?

Today, more and more people use their mobile devices to search the internet.
Unless you have a responsive website for your business, chances are high your
visitors will click away in seconds. Avoiding being penalized by the search engines
is also a good reason to consider redesigning your old website. Allow me to help
and create a new and improved online presence for your company.



Does your website look outdated?

Old website designs used to include flashy elements, popups and low quality design
elements. However, as the online environment continues to evolve, new trends have
quickly surfaced. Avoid losing customers to your competition and consider switching
to a modern design. I can help create a new layout for your website, while keeping
the important elements of your old website intact. If that is your wish to do so.


In general, I see five sets of issues facing modern business websites.

They are …

Compelling Offers ???

Too Many Platitudes and Jargon

NOT Mobile Friendly

NO Secure Hosting

Overall Website Speed




A company without a professional online presence is like a store with no windows.
Today, Marketing a business without a website is close to impossible. Make sure
you don’t miss out on the endless opportunities the online has to offer and invest
in professional website design services today.


Let me know if I can help you with any of this!


Contact me for your FREE consultation so we can
understand each other, and work on a great strategy! 




Dave Smith

Strategic Marketing Success    …    Tactical Marketing Success


IMJustice Marketing



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