Business Coaching and Tactics

Here is an idea of a particular approach, and the beginning stages
creating a relevant Marketing Strategy, Game Plan or Road Map
just for you
r Business, hopes, dreams, and your future … And, like
I always
say, the best Tactics can bring these strategies to life …


Initial Getting Started Discovery Meeting
Your current Marketing and future goals and objectives
Completed with any one or a few of my analysis forms
(May be through my Discovery Form, and Strategy Session)


Core Message and Ideal Client Persona
Your competitive advantage to your ideal audience
What does it look like, where, and how used
Your overall message and the good, bad, and fixes


Customer Journey Map
The Customer Journey and the “Conversion Equation”


The Competitive Landscape
The strengths and weaknesses of your competitors
How you stack up against them


My Presentation Of Findings
My thoughts, discoveries, and interventions
Mapping out together the best Tactical approach


My Growth Recommendations
The highest impact activities for fixing or implementation
What I think you (or we) should be doing and why
I discuss the 8 Proven Profit Generating Categories
I discuss the 5 Step Proven Profit Formula


Content Plan
Based on keywords, the “hot buttons” of your audience, and SEO
Advanced A.I. and my experience will map out a path forward …


Software ???
Leads, Reputation, Social Media, Data Analysis, Bot Marketing,
SEO, Video, Online Directories, and a whole lot more …



This is one approach …

Fundamentals, and the Strategic Marketing topics are first …

The Fundamentals of Growing a Business (6 topics)
The 8 Profit-Generating Categories
The 5-Part Proven Profit Formula
The Quick Start Categories


In Summary

I teach Marketing for your business … to a point where it becomes
obvious to your prospects that they would be an idiot to do business
with anyone other than you … at anytime, anywhere, or at any price.


A Disclaimer From IMJustice Marketing

If all you are looking for is to hire someone to perform a “tactic” or two, I am
not your man … I believe anyone can implement them for you … I have the
knowledge, skills, and background to discuss Strategic Marketing, and how
that can transform your business and life …


Here’s To Your Success!



Dave Smith
Business Coach & Marketing Strategist



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