Getting Started With Video Marketing in Brevard County Florida

Gone are the days when businesses could make do with traditional marketing means –
Online Marketing is now a necessity for any self-respecting business. Online video content,
especially, has been taking the Marketing world by storm, with sites like Youtube and Vimeo
having millions of unique visitors every month. Video Marketing has become one of the highest
rising and most popular ways to generate traffic online. Especially in Brevard County Florida.


It is more and more powerful to incorporate video into your Marketing plan. This is the trend
now. People are switching from reading to watching instead. As TV advertisements and other
traditional Marketing means are getting less and less reliable, creating your own videos helps
promote your business faster and for a much more affordable cost.


promote your business with video


Why is Video Marketing the Right Way to Go?


So now we gather that Video Marketing is hot and it is the ideal time to take advantage
of this fast growing advertising medium. But why is Video Marketing the best option
to market your products? Videos can easily help you rank higher in Google.
Videos target an audience who prefer a visual format as opposed to text.
Videos allow you to showcase products that can’t be explained with short text.
Establishing your own YouTube channel can help you gain more followers.
Your video could go viral which can help build you a gigantic online following.


The average attention span of a web user today is measured by seconds. People nowadays
are used to having instant access; they want things to be fast. Visuals always work better
than text in this case. If you could summarize a 3-page website into a 2-minute video,
people would definitely rather watch the video. Why tell when you can show? Users have
the tendency to browse and skip through information. However, if you are able to engage
the users and present your information in visual form, then you’re a huge step ahead.
People would prefer to watch a short video instead of reading long text. Furthermore,
visuals create a better experience for the audience when compared to text. People
could actually imagine and realize that what your business and services are all about.


In terms of creating videos, there are many ways, and most of those ways are secrets
by the best Video Marketing Consultants. But, you can record yourself briefly explaining
one of your products or services with just your smart phone. Talk about the benefits your
products and services would provide to the customer, and end the video with asking them
to call you if they’re interested. Keep it simple, it really doesn’t need to be complicated.


Getting your message out there, even if it’s not perfect,
is better than not getting your message out at all.


market your business or brand with video


5 Things You Must Do To Every Video In Order To See Results


Engage the viewer
Your video should “speak” directly to a particular target customer.
Imagine yourself speaking directly to a customer that needs your
particular product or service. The best way to do this is to put yourself
in their shoes and imagine yourself watching your video.
What you want to hear? What would you want to see?
What would make you more inclined to pick up the phone and call?
These are all things that you should keep in mind when making your videos.


Focus on the benefits
When conveying your message in your videos, try to focus more on the
benefits to the customer, not so much the features of your product or service.
Don’t just tell people what the product or service is, but focus more on exactly
what the customer will get from it. Tell them how your product of service benefit
them and effect them in a positive way.


Optimize for keywords
After you’ve created your video, there are certain things you can do that will help
optimize them and get them ranking quickly for the keywords that you’d like to target.


Use strong calls to action
You need to end your videos with strong calls to action that
tell the viewer exactly what you want them to do next.
Do you want them to pick up the phone and call you?
Do you want them to visit your website?
Do you want them to show up in person?
Whatever you’d like them to do, you need to tell them. Sometimes it
may seem obvious to you, but don’t assume they’ll know what to do next.


Upload to multiple video sharing sites
There are a number of video hosting & sharing sites where you can upload your
video for additional exposure. YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook Video, Wistia, among
others, are all video hosting and sharing sites that have their own unique features
and advantages. You want as much exposure as possible for your video, so should
distribute it across as many sites and platforms as possible.


Final Thoughts


This information is meant to be a brief introduction to Video Marketing and how it can benefit
your business. We hope you find it informative. If you’re interested in incorporating video into
your Marketing, I’m here to help. If you have any questions, or you’re interested in learning
more, contact me today. I’ll show you exactly how Video Marketing can be an effective and
affordable way to generate more leads for your business and increase revenue.


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Video Marketing for your business

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