Press Release Marketing For Your Brevard County Florida Business

Press Release Marketing utilizes written communications that briefly report
newsworthy events. Press Releases generally contain the who, how, why,
where, and
when of an event, and generally, this event is tied to a business
or organization.
(Although, it doesn’t have to be. Public figures use Press
Releases frequently to
get the word out about what they’re involved in.)




Press Releases can impact businesses in a number of ways.

Press Release Marketing (creating, publishing, and using Press Releases in a
unified Marketing plan for businesses) is a powerful tool. Readers, both on and
offline, tend to
view Press Releases in a different light than advertising. They’re
less skeptical of the claims
and of the business. (We’re all so jaded … we tend
to dismiss anything that’s communicated
to us through ads.)

Your average Press Release is 300-400 words long. Rarely longer, but it can be
longer if needed. A good Press Release focuses on one single newsworthy event.
If a business has more events to talk about, then multiple Press Releases would
be needed.
The term “newsworthy event” covers a lot of ground. Basically, this
means anything of note,
of importance, that’s happened to or happening in the
business. Topics such as new product launches, new employees, new financing
for the business, new headquarters, new stores … anything that you can attach
the word new to, those are the topics that are perfect for a
Press Release.

Before the Internet, Press Releases were normally distributed by mail to various
news organizations. Today, we don’t mail Press Releases to reporters (although
you can). We use
online publishing services, to publish the Press Release. The
publishing platform takes care
of all the distribution. But, there’s much more
that can be done with Press Releases than just publishing them.

Of course, Press Release Marketing should be a part and parcel of a your
greater effort to promote your business.
Multimedia Press Releases have
become very important over the past few years. A multimedia Press Release
is one that contains media other than just text. This could be images,
infographics, videos, PDF reports, whitepapers, and more, or a combination
of many of the above. For each of these additions to the Press Release,
there’s more that can be done.

As an example. Let’s say you publish a Press Release about a new product,
and you include a
video of a product demonstration. Well, that video is a
very valuable Marketing asset in its own right. The video can be published
on YouTube, Vimeo, and across multiple platforms.

The more you disseminate the video content, the more exposure you get.
This is all great, and it all starts with a Press Release announcing a true,
newsworthy event. Just know this,
there are various ways that Press Release
can positively impact your business, and if you work with a capable
Marketing Consultant, they will show you how to find the best newsworthy
events for you to announce.

As always, if you need any help with this, I’m available.




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Dave Smith and IMJustice Marketing


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