3 Tips on Making Promotional Videos

Promotional videos can be one of the most effective ways that you can
market your business. You can publish these videos on a variety of
websites – YouTube being the most popular – and you can link to your
website and drive traffic there which could convert into sales for you.

The whole purpose of a promotional video is to generate interest in your
business but there are some rules that you need to follow if you want your
promotional video to work.

business videos grow your business or brand

Here are three tips on making promotional videos

that are effective and drive traffic.


First, make sure that you’re not creating the same old boring content that other
websites and bloggers are making. Come up with something unique and original –
and most of all entertaining – so that people who watch the video actually enjoy it.
Your message will be much more effective if you have created a video that they
enjoyed watching. Your message can be humorous, touching or even dramatic,
as long as it’s entertaining. If you aren’t sure if it is entertaining enough, allow
someone to watch it in the real world and look at their reaction. If they are
engaged throughout the whole video it is good enough to post.


Keep your video short. If you create long videos that have too many details,
too much information and take more time to watch than most people want
to spend you’re going to bomb at promoting your business through video.
A good rule of thumb for video links is 3 to 5 minutes. You don’t want to
make it any shorter than three minutes because you probably aren’t getting
your message across, but keep it under five minutes. Look at successful
YouTube bloggers and follow their example.


Finally, keep the production value as high as possible. Don’t use your webcam
and film yourself sitting at home in front of the computer talking about your product.
Instead use a good camera, create an actual set and research and lighting
techniques so that you’re able to create a promotional video that looks as if it
was produced by a film company. The higher quality that you make your video –
and don’t forget HD whenever possible – the more professional that people are
going to regard your company. Your script, camera, lighting and background
are all vital details in creating a solid and effective promotional video.

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grow your business or brand with video



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