Author: Dave Smith

  • Tips For Digital Content and Video Marketing

    Words really do make a difference when creating content or videos.     It may seem a bit technical, but the use of common words, uncommon words, emotional words, and power words can make or break your ranking. Here are some examples of what I mean, when your Brevard County Florida business is trying to…

  • The Essence of Effective Small Business Marketing in Brevard County Florida

    The Essence of IMJustice Marketing   IMJustice Marketing is simple, effective, and affordable—I am not the most prestigious solution, but effective, nonetheless. The core idea of “IMJustice” is that effective Small Business Marketing is a strategy exploration and implementation process, not an event composed of simple, effective, and affordable Tactical Marketing techniques. And to coin…

  • Building And Managing an Email List in Brevard County Florida

    One of the things you can do to get people to come back to your website after they visit or after they purchase something from you with your Brevard County Florida business, is building and managing an Email List and getting them to sign up for your mailing list. That way, you can remind them…

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