Tag: Marketing Strategies 2019

  • Blogging to Generate More Leads For Your Brevard County Business

    If you want to give your website’s search engine ranking a boost and increase the number of organic leads that you receive, then you need to develop a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. A complete SEO strategy involves several factors, including optimizing your web pages, backlinking, keyword research, and most importantly, generating high-quality content that…

  • What Is the Actual Purpose of Marketing

    The Purpose of Marketing   I mean, what is the purpose of Marketing? Well, in a nutshell, Marketing is supposed to help facilitate your prospects’ decision-making process. There are prospects out there that need to buy what you sell. Sometimes they need to be educated to the fact that they need to buy what you…

  • 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing in Indian Harbour Beach Florida

    Not Starting With The Who Most marketers don’t start with the end in mind. And, as a result, they don’t ever get very far. Before you setup ANY piece of your marketing material, you need to have a clear understanding of who you’re marketing to in order to craft your message and your offers. Here…

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